Hollywood Gothique
The Archive

2 More Halloween Treats: Forest of Mirrors & Hanzlik Haunt

They just keep coming out of the moldy woodwork: more and more amateur haunts, clamoring like restless spirits as Hallowee night approaches. Here are two more you may want to check out.

Title: Forest of Mirrors
Location: 6124 Lederer Ave, Woodland Hills, CA 91367-1329
Description: Located in a house once owned by silent movie comedian Buster Keaton, this yard haunt features a cemetery that seems endlessly extended thanks to strategic use of mirrors. Contact internet@pbergeron.com or call 818-932-9491 for more information.
Start Time: 17:00
Date: 2008-10-31
End Time: 23:00

Title: Hanzlik Haunt Hart Street Haunt
Location: 19521 Hart St. Reseda, CA
Description: An amateur walk-through haunted house. Decorations are up all month, but for Halloween night there will be live monsters roaming the grounds.
Date: 2008-10-31

NOTE: At the request of the proprietors, we have dropped the name “Hanzlick Haunt,” which was misleading.