Apple Valley Halloween 2019 Review: All Saints Lunatic Asylum
All Saints Lunatic Asylum is the 2nd stop of our triple haunt adventure into the High Desert. Located off Highway 18, there are now 3 haunts in Apple Valley worth visiting for Halloween 2019. This was a return visit for Hollywood Gothique because of the great work they’ve done previously. So is it still as insane and loony? Find out if you have the mental fortitude to withstand the shocks contained therein.
Both the queue area and the triage area before the actual maze boast some impressive set decor. The triage area, which is the reception desk, even went as far as to feature a sign-in book, which helped immerse us into the story line of checking into an insane asylum.
All Saints Lunatic Asylum Halloween 2019 Review: Scare Zone & Entrance

This is not exactly a scare zone, but next to the exterior line roams Pickles the Clown. Guests better be careful because Pickles might pop-up when you’re not looking. Though Pickles doesn’t really talk (he makes weird sounds and noises), it is fun to see him scare the attendees; it is even more fun when he goes so far as to hop into a car with strangers he’d just met. Pickles is certainly entertaining, and we imagine most visitors in line feel the same. We hope to see more actors haunting this this area in the future…perhaps another mental patient running amok?
All Saints Lunatic Asylum Halloween 2019 Review: Maze
The walk-through starts after the triage area containing the reception and the sign-in desk – exactly as if you were to check-in to a medical office or insane asylum. First you encounter an orderly who assists with the elevator to the 3rd floor. The only issue is: he seems wacky and sick, making you wonder, “Does he even work here?” He also has trouble with the elevator, which isn’t the smoothest ride. You’ll be thinking, “Uh oh, everything’s dark and the elevator doesn’t work. What’s goin’ on here?”
After the elevator, you walk by what sound like patients screaming: “What are you doing in my bathroom?” Specifically two girls with fecal matter fetishes who exclaim that they play with their poop! They scold you for interrupting their bathroom session and breaking their concentration, then more poop jokes before giving poor directions to proceed ahead.
Another female patient asks if you have seen her special medicine. If you say you ate it, she responds with a gasp: “You ate my special medicine?” She may ask if you can let the nurse know because she needs that medicine because it helps her “remember.”
You proceed through a plethora of twists and turns in the dark (reminiscent of some of the blackout/dark mazes we’ve recently reviewed). If your eyes don’t adjust fast, then it is basically pitch black and you will have to feel your way out. After this labyrinth, the fun starts. You find yourselves touring all the different rooms in the Asylum, where you are greeted by all sorts of lunatics in their own little demented worlds. Some may try to be clowns; some may try to be spiders, and some may try to be Doctors. Yikes! A nurse (or perhaps a patient acting like one) may be excited to see new patients (you). The use of darkness and dim lighting suggests that something definitely doesn’t add up here, and the Asylum may be overrun by lunatics.
All Saints Lunatic Asylum Halloween 2019 Review: Conclusion
For the sheer interaction alone, All Saints Lunatic Asylum is worth the trip. Nearly every scare actor or character inside the maze has a speaking role, and some even adapted to our responses and replied accordingly, thus creating a custom-tailored immersive experience. We have done mazes where you simply walk-through with jump scares and simple “boos”; and we’ve done immersive theatre where the actors have a full conversation with you. All Saints Lunatic Asylum seems to utilize a bit of both in order to give you a 2-in-1 haunt experience to remember.
All Saints Lunatic Asylum 2019 Rating
Bottom Line
For $13 and free parking, All Saints Lunatic Asylum is a must-add to your Apple Valley Haunt itinerary.
All Saints Lunatic Asylum is open through November 2, 7-10pm, including Thursday Oct. 31st. The address is: 22521 Shawnee Rd, Apple Valley, CA 92307. For more info, visit:
All Saints Lunatic Asylum Halloween 2019 Review: Photo Gallery
More: Apple Valley Halloween 2019