Antelope Valley Halloween Night: Lunar Terror & More
The Antelope Valley will have four yard haunts and seven walk-through haunted houses for you to enjoy this Halloween.
Antelope Valley Halloween Night 2019: Lunar Terror
The only Halloween haunt open before the 31st is Terror Tricked Productions’ Lunar Terror, which had a preview night on Saturday, and will be fully open on Wednesday the 30th. We visited this small home haunt last year, and it seems inspiration has struck the proprietors because this year it’s bigger and better, going beyond the decorations and jump-scares of most haunts to give you a little bit of story and theatrical showmanship. If you want the full startling effect, stop reading here and just take my recommendation to see it for yourself, for minor spoilers lie beyond this sentence.
The eerie vibe starts right at the beginning with a curtain opening all by itself to welcome you into the first room, where you meet your host. The stage curtain draws back to show you the back of a woman – actress Lexi Bridges from February’s Hickville – deathly still until the sound effects begin. The discomforting cracking of bones is heard as her limbs and back move in jerking unnatural motions, synced well to the sounds to make the transformation vivid. When she turns to face the audience we see she has transformed into a demon. A special effect is triggered and the audience is sprayed with a small amount of water, as though viscera from her transformation is flinging from her face.
You then exit into a dark forest, made to feel more real with the use of wood chips on the floor, where several macabre creatures lie in wait. Just like this haunt’s previous year as Trick or Terror, everyone is strategically placed to allow them to get you more than once from their single location, an efficient way of making a small cast feel like a larger one. Throughout the experience lighting and sound are used purposefully to put this haunt somewhere between a simple walk-though and a theatrical experience, with its single vignette at the beginning and it’s more traditional jump scares after that.
Saturday’s preview was already a step up from last year, and I for one plan to return for the full experience on Wednesday the 30th. Check it out yourself that night if you can, to leave Halloween night free for other haunts. As for the other walk-throughs in town, I can only use their 2018 incarnations for comparison, but based on those I would say that if you can only make it to one home haunt this year, Lunar Terror would be my recommendation. Located at 44307 42nd St W, Lancaster, CA 93536. Free, 7-10pm on Wednesday and 6-11pm on Thursday Halloween night.
As for Halloween on Thursday, five haunts will be open that night only, along with Lunar Terror.
Antelope Valley Halloween Night 2019: Chop Shop of Terror
Chop Shop of Terror is a new effort put on by Lost Angles Children’s Project. Billing itself for all ages and costing a $1 suggested donation, the flyer touts that it is “described as the most terrifying in experimental haunted house experiences,” but does not offer a source for who this description is from or how such a description exists of an event that has yet to occur. Located at 45059 Trevor Ave, Lancaster, CA 93534 and opening early at 5pm this certainly looks worth a stop if you’re in the area.
Antelope Valley Halloween Night 2019: Black Out
The Coronet Ct haunt changes its theme every year. Last year was The Asylum, and this year it’s Black Out. Last year the haunt made good use of sharp right turns to pack a lot into a small space. It’s located at 42410 Coronet Ct, Quartz Hill, CA 93536, and opens “at dark” which last year ended up being fairly late, so consider saving this one for later, but hopefully they will open around 6pm when the sun sets.
Antelope Valley Halloween Night 2019: Windy Hills Haunt
Windy Hills Haunt has themed itself The Chapel of Death this year, and features a wide variety of props and costumes built up over the years. It’s located at 6650 Lime Rd, Quartz Hill, CA 93536, and also claims to start “at Sunset” which is hopefully 6pm. Last year’s review.
Antelope Valley Halloween Night 2019: Common Ground Cemetery
Making its return after several years Hiatus is Common Ground Cemetery. Another that vaguely starts at “sundown” this haunt is located at 42235 Brittle Bush Dr, Quartz Hill, CA 93536.
Antelope Valley Halloween Night 2019: Scary Stories Haunted House
Antelope Valley Halloween Night 2019: Antelope Valley College Halloween Maze.
3041 W Ave K, Lancaster, CA 93536.
Thursday October 31st 7-9pm. $3 per person.
And some yard displays if you’re passing by.
Antelope Valley Halloween Night 2019: Palmdale Spooky Hollow
5167 E Ave R4, Palmdale, CA 93552
Antelope Valley Halloween Night 2019: Yard Haunt de los Muertos
143 W Jackman St, Lancaster, CA 93534
Antelope Valley Halloween Night 2019: Lumbering Haunt
1646 West Lumber Street, Lancaster, CA
Antelope Valley Halloween Night 2019: Restless Souls Manor
38143 52nd St E, Palmdale, California 93552
Restless Souls Manor has had a walk-though in previous years, but this year they will just have their yard display.