Hollywood Gothique
The Vault

Back from the Void

Just got back from a press event for Nicodemus: Demon of Evanishment, the newest “hyper reality” VR attraction from The Void, the company behind Ghostbusters: Dimensions. I will have a write-up soon, but since the attraction is currently available at the Glendale Gallery, I wanted to drop a brief note letting people know that Nicodemus: is an enjoyably scary virtual reality “game” that should satisfy your Halloween cravings until the major Halloween theme parks open later this month.

Steve Biodrowski, Administrator

A graduate of USC film school, Steve Biodrowski has worked as a film critic, journalist, and editor at Movieline, Premiere, Le Cinephage, The Dark Side., Cinefantastique magazine, Fandom.com, and Cinescape Online. He is currently Managing Editor of Cinefantastique Online and owner-operator of Hollywood Gothique.