Dracula on stage
Title: Dracula, The Vampire Play
Location: Westchester Playhouse, 8301 Hindry Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90045
Final Performances: Friday & Saturday, October 15 & 16 at 8pm
Link out: Click here
Description: With Halloween just around the corner, why not pop over to the Westchester Playhouse for the final performances of the Kentwood Players production of Dracula, the classic vampire play dramatized by Hamilton Deane and John L. Balderston (this is the one that was adapted into the 1931 film starring Bela Lugosi and the 1979 film starring Frank Langella).
The production’s official description reads thus: “Dracula is a chilling and spooky tale about a bizarre illness fallen upon Lucy Seward, daughter to Dr. Seward, owner of an English Sanatorium in the early 1900s. Dr. Seward and Lucy’s fiancé, Jonathan Harker, call in the help of Professor Van Helsing, an expert in the macabre. Their search for answers leads them deeper and deeper into the terrors of the unknown and the unthinkable. Could a vampire be the answer to this chilling mystery?”
The play is billed as “fun for the whole family, suitable for ages 10 and up.”
Ticets are $18. There is a $2-discount for students, seniors, and servicemen.