Eliza Dushku introduces Alphabet Killer
Star and co-producer Eliza Dushku (WRONG TURN) will introduce the premiere theatrical showing of the Anchor Bay Entertainment thriller The Alphabet Killerat the Laemmle’s Monica 4-plex Theaters in on Friday, November 14. Dushku, along with writer/producer co-star Tom Malloy and producers Isen Robbins and Aimee Schoof, will introduce the showing. Pending confirmation, they will also participate in a Q&A with the audience after the screening.
Location: Laemmle’s Monica 4-Plex – 1332 2nd Street Santa Monica, 90401 310-394-9741
Website: www.laemmle.com/viewtheatre.php?thid=3
Date: Friday, November 14 at 10:00pm