Extrapolating King Kong
I mentioned the blog The Exploding Kinetoscope in my previous post, so I thought I would follow up by linking to this long contemplation of Peter Jackson’s remake of KING KONG.
Author Chris Stangl catches on to the obvious point I made in my review when the film came out: Jackson has spent most of his life thinking about the 1933 original, and everyone one of those thoughts finds its way into his version, extrapolating trivial and tangential moments as if each and every one of them were of monumental significance.
For some reason, Stangl thinks this is swell, and he goes on for many paragraphs to make his point. None of it is convincing, but to be fair, it does make fascinating reading.
Also of interest, Stangl has launched on an almost Sysiphian task: watching each and every film adaptation of Stephen King – not in the order the films were made but in the order that the books were published. He’s reached THE LAWNMOWER MAN, and the thought of proceeding to CREEPSHOW 2 and THINNER seems to have stopped him dead in his tracks. You can find his other King-related movie reviews, along with post about other horror topics, here.