Hollywood Gothique
LA Cinema Gothique

Gloating After Dark

Seems someone at After Dark Films is righteously pleased that writer-director Eli Roth’s HOSTEL PART II tanked at the box office. After Dark, keep in mind, has a vaguely similar film opening next month, CAPTIVITY.

Anyway, After Dark’s MySpace page just sent out this message to all their MySpace friends:

Aaaahhhh, summer is here and once again we’re amidst the blockbuster crap fests.

After Dark Films is truly disappointed that Eli Roth’s Hostel sequel tanked. Snicker snicker. All of those soundbites of you trashing true auteurs seems to have Karma coming to haunt you.

It looks as though the showman has been put in his place after a long delayed bashing. See Eli, success in this town is not just 2% talent and who you know as you stated many moons before…

One actually needs to have filmmaking in his blood. The case here is that you surely don’t have any filmmaking inside of you. Maybe you should consider a career in selling used cars.

Captivity is opening in four weeks and we assure you that it will have the gore quotient you cinephiles desire along with an actual plot by genius scribe, Larry Cohen.

See you at the real grindhouse on Friday July 13th.

Passed along without comment, for whatever it’s worth…