Hollywood Gothique
LA Night/Life/Style GothiqueMuseums & Galleries

Gravehunting Film & Book Signing: Updated

graveside companionTitle: An Evening at the Barn featuring “Gravehunting with Steve”
Location: Hollywood Heritage Museum, 2100 N. Highland Avenue, Hollywood, CA 90068
Date: October 13 at 7:30pm & 10pm
Link out: Click here
Description: Want to know the final resting places of your favorite classic Hollywood stars? Find out at Hollywood Heritage’s “An Evening at the Barn” program for “Gravehunting with Steve.” Steve Goldstein, author of LA’s Graveside Companion: Where the V.I.P.’s R.I.P., will present short film “Grave Hunting with Steve”, participate in a Q&A session, and sign copies of his book. Over ten years in the making, L.A’s Graveside Companion unearths the 400 most interesting gravesites in Southern California. Some of the most famous and influential residents that will be mentioned in the October 13 program are: Walt Disney, The Three Stooges, Marilyn Monroe, Bugsy Siegel, Stan Laurel, John Ritter, and murder victims Sharon Tate and Lana Clarkson. Other highlights include the graves of rock stars Johnny and Dee Dee Ramone, Beach Boy Carl Wilson and the unmarked graves of Frank Zappa and Roy Orbison. Scarecrow, the Tin Man and Toto too!

Steve Goldstein has been a cemetery historian for over twenty years, frequently appearing in newspapers, magazines, radio, television, and other media as an expert on the subject, and is a frequent contributor to the online reference site, FindAGrave.com, as well as being a sought after tour guide. Although this is his first book, his work has been published in such books as Weird California and Last Laugh: A Book of Graveyard Humour. He lives with his very understanding wife, Jennifer, in Los Angeles.

Hollywood Heritage, Inc. is a non-profit organization dedicated to the preservation of the historic built environment in Hollywood and to education about the early film industry and the role its’ pioneers played in shaping Hollywood’s history.

UPDATE: A second screening of “Grave Hunting with Steve” has been added. It will start at approximately 10pm, depending on how long the Q&A and book-signing take.