Hollywood Gothique
LA Attractions GothiqueYard Haunts

Hallowed Haunting Grounds Construction Under Way

I forgot to mention earlier that I stopped by the Hallowed Haunting Grounds this weekend to interview Gary Corp and his crew, who already have construction underway for the 2005 haunt — which, sadly, will be the Haunting Grounds’ “Final Manifestation.”

I can’t give anything away now, because the interview was done for an article I’m writing for a newspaper, but I suppose I can post any leftover tidbits here after the article is written.

I’ll just say that Gary truly is dedicated to putting on a great show — so much so that he has actually made modifications to his front yard to accomodate that thousands of people that pass through the Haunting Grounds each year. Up until the 1980s, you viewed the haunt by walking up the driveway and along a path to the front door, then turning and going back the way you came.

That came to an end after the crowds got so thick they were creating a bottleneck. So, Gary laid in a new walkway and put in a separate exit on the side of the yard opposite the driveway, so that trick-or-treaters could make a circuit of the yard, instead of retracing their steps.

Now that’s dedication to the Halloween spirit. Anyone can decorate for the season. How many people re-landscape their front yard?