Hesby Cemetery Yard Haunt
2023 Date: To Be Determined. The proprietor is building something for a local school that he may port over to his yard, time permitting.
Address:Â 11802 Huston Street, Valley Village, CA 91607.
Hesby Cemetery History
In its previous location, Hesby Cemetery’s yard haunt provided a spooky cemetery scene, with some nice projection effects, smoke, lights, and lasers. The proprietor upgrades a little every year but maintains the kid-friendly tone, making this a good neighborhood stop for young trick-or-treaters.
After going on hiatus for Halloween 2017, the proprietor of Hesby Cemetery moved to a new, bigger location, down the street from the old 11922 Hesby Street address in Valley Village. He planned a Halloween-night-only event for neighbors during this transitional year, with hope of expanding to something bigger for 2019.
For Halloween 2020, there were projection and lighting effects on weekends throughout October, with the gate open to trick-or-treaters on Halloween Night Only.