Sierra Madre Halloween Happenings
2024 Date & Hours: Thursday, October 31, 3-7pm. More information can be found at the website during October.
Location: Kersting Court – 51 N Baldwin Avenue, Sierra Madre, CA 91024.
Sierra Madre Halloween Happenings Info
East of Pasadena and just below the San Gabriel Mountains, this well-to-do community seems like the least-likely place in Los Angeles for a Halloween event; nevertheless, the City of Sierra Madre offers several Halloween Happenings, which visitors can enjoy while in the neighborhood on October 31, 3:30-6:30pm. Local business provide candy in Kersting Court, on Sierra Madre Boulevard between Baldwin Avenue and Lima Avenue. The fire department leads a costume parade, also from Kersting Court, and there is a costume contest to wrap things up.
After that, trick-or-treaters can head to Alegria Street, between Baldwin Avenue and Mountain Trail, where the  wealthy inhabitants apparently have the time and money to devise some impressive home haunts. The neighborhood is less ostentatious than Beverly Hills, but the large properties provide plenty of yard space for decorations and hand-carved Jack O’Lanterns. (This is not a city-sponsored event.)
Visitors can get a drive-by view of the decor during the last few days of October, but the Halloween events take place only on October 31.
In 2020, Sierra Madre was hit hard not only by Covid-19 but also the Bobcat wild fire, which forced evacuations. Consequently, their usual community events were altered (e.g., a virtual costume contest for adults, a candy-egg search for kids).
Find more Halloween Festivities and Kid-Friendly Halloween Fun.