Halloween Ghost Train 2012 Photos
The Los Angeles Live Steamers just sent over a pair of photographs from their 2012 Halloween Ghost Train. Hollywood Gothique has not made it out to Griffith Park for the Ghost Train in some years, but we recall it as one of the most enjoyable Halloween events for children in the Los Angeles area – and parents will have fun, too.
The images give a hint of how much the Los Angeles Live Steamers Ghost Train display has been enhanced since last we visited. (Make sure you click to see the large versions). The twenty-minute outdoor ride, on a miniature train, provides a tour of various lighted displays of ghosts, ghouls, and witches, but the “scare” factor is safely within the kid-friendly zone. For Halloween 2012, there are five new scenes, including a skeleton rave and a seance.
The LA. Live Steamers Ghost Train is located within Griffith Park, at 5202 Zoo Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90027. Remaining dates are October 20-21, 26-31, 7-10pm nightly. Suggested donation for admission is $10, which goes to maintain the non-profit organizations train. Call (323) 662-8030 for more information, or visit their website.
Check out our 2008 Ghost Train Music Video.