Hollywood Gothique
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Hollywood Gothique on MSN.com: 14 Houses to Haunt You on Halloween

MSN.com has just posted a list of “14 Houses to Haunt You on Halloween,” and Hollywood Gothique is splashed all over it – kinda, sorta. Actually, author Tricia Romano quotes us about several Halloween Haunts in Los Angeles that made the list:

  • The Blumhouse of Horrors comes in at #8. The MSN article links to our preview here.
  • The House at Haunted Hill (which Romano or her editor mislabels “The House of Haunted Hill) lands at #9. You can read our review of last year’s version here.
  • The Pirates of Emerson (which is actually up in Pleasanton, California, where we reviewed it last year) is #11
  • Delusion 2012: The Blood Rite is at #13. Read our review here.

The new Blackout Haunted House (well, new to LA.) also makes the list, which includes a cauldron full of other Halloween events around the country: the Goretorium in Las Vegas; Woods of Terror in Greensboro, N.C.; Creepyworld in St. Louise; Disney’s Haunted Mansion over in Anaheim; and several others.