In Person: Tom Holland, Steven Jay Rubin, Carl Gottlieb, Joe Alves, Gregory Nicotero
Several filmmakers will be making personal appearances this week. Director Tom Holland will appear as part of the Steve Allen Theater’s Friday night “Masters of Horror” Drive-in series. Also on Friday, Wayne Coyne of the rock band Flaming Lips will appear along with Adam Goldberg and Fred Armisen, for Coyne’s directorial effort CHRISTMAS ON MARS. James Bond expert Steven Jay Rubin will introduce the films at the American Cinematheque’s Best of James Bond series, which runs Friday through Saturday. Finally, screenwriter Carl Cottlieb, production designer Joe Alves, and makeup expert Gregory Nicotero will appear on Saturday at the Los Angeles United Film festival for the premiere of THE SHARK IS STILL WORKING, a documentary about the making and the legacy of JAWS.

Event: FRIGHT NIGHT and MASTERS OF HOROR – “We All Scream for Ice Cream”
Location: Steve Allen Theater at Center for Inquiry – West, 4773 Hollywood Blvd, Hollywood, CA 90027
Link out: Click here
Description: Director Tom Holland will appear in between screenings of his feature film FRIGHT NIGHT and his MASTERS OF HORROR episode “We All Scream for Ice Cream.” Part of the Steve Allen Theatre’s Drive-in Masters of Horror series.
Date: May 01 at 8:00pm
Event: CHRISTMAS ON MARS. This 83 min fantasy, directed by Wayne Coyne of the rock band Flaming Lips, screens as part of the Los Angeles United Film Festival. Adam Goldberg, SNL’s Fred Armisen, and Wayne Coyne will be in attendance.Also on the bill, two short subjects: “The Apparatus” and “Alice’s Attic.” Read more here.
Location: Los Feliz Cinema 3 – 1822 Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90027
Date: May 1 at 9:45pm
Event: The Best of James Bond at the Aero Theatre. Steven Jay Rubin will introduce a double bill of DR. NO and FROM RUSSIA on Friday and a double bill of GOLDFINGER and THUNDERBALL on Saturday. Rubin will not be on hand for the double bill of LIVE AND LET DIE and THE SPY WHO LOVED ME on Sunday.
Location: Aero Theatre – 1328 Montana Avenue at 14th Street in Santa Monica
Website: Click here
Dates: Friday May1 through Sunday, May 3
Start Time: 7:30pm for each double bill
Event: THE SHARK IS STILL WORKING. This documentary about the making of JAWS will have its premiere on May 2 at 9:45pm, with follow-up screenings at midnight and the next morning at ten o’clock. Guest Carl Gottlieb, Joe Alves, and Gregory Nicotero will be in attendance for the screenings on Saturday, which are sold out, unfortunately; there will be another screenings (without guests) on Sunday morning. (Note: Nicotero did not work on JAWS, but he will be bringing a mechanical prop head of the shark.)
Location: Los Feliz Cinema 3 – 1822 Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90027
Screenings : May 2 at 9:45pm and midnight; May 3 at 10:00am.