Logan’s Run remake
Cinematical Martha Fischer posts about the proposed remake of LOGAN’S RUN here, based on some comments that director Bryan Singer made at a WonderCon panel over the weekend. Singer is currently finishing up work on SUPERMAN RETURNS, so he may not get to RUN for a while, but he insists that work is proceeding, with his USUAL SUSPECTS collaborator Christopher McQuarrie handling script chores.
The new version is not supposed to be a straight remake but a re-imagining that combines elements from the book and the movie, mixed with Singer’s own concepts.
Rather oddly, Ms Fischer seems slightly distraught by this approach, writing that “depending on your perspective on the remake, this news is either reassuring or devastating. Personally, I can’t decide – I adore the movie as it stands, and was initially horrified at the htought of anyone trying to make it again.”
If anything, LOGAN’S RUN is ripe for a remake. The original version had a good idea, but the execution left a lot to be desired. As much fun as the old one may have seemed when it first came out, I find it hard to work up much enthusiasm for it today. This is a case where a new interpretation would not be desecrating a sanctified classic.