More Haunt Listings!

Looking for even more Halloween events in Los Angeles? Well, we’ve got ’em! We’re adding these haunted houses to our listings for 2008: Hell Shire Farms, Dr. Uphir’s Sanitorium by Haunted Garage, and Nativity Church’s Big Top Circus. We can’t vouch for them personally, having never visited, but both Hell Shire Farms and Uphir’s Sanitorium are put on by groups that have been doing this for a few years, so presumably they knwo what they’re doing. As for the Nativity Church haunted house, we attended that church back when we lived in the area – and even presented our own haunted house there one year. It’s nice to see a new generation has come along to revive the tradition (and the money they collect will go to a good cause.
Title: Hell Shire Farms
Location: 513 N Guadalupe Ave Redondo Beach, CA
Description: Usually located in Torrance, this haunted maze is in Redondo this year. A 60-yard walk through includes black lights, strobes, fog machines, music and monsters. Free but a $2 donation would be appreciated
Dates: October 29-31
Hours: 6-9pm
Title: Haunted Garage: Dr. Uphir’s Santiroium
Location: 3432 Karen Ave, Long Beach 90808
Website: www.hauntedgaragelongbeach.comÂ
Description: Haunted Garage puts on a different theme each Halloween. This one conflates the Faust legend with an insane asylum. Admission is free
Date: October 31
Hours: 6:30-10:30pm
Title: Big Top Circus Haunt
Location: Nativity Church – 3743 Tyler Avenue in El Monte, CA 91732
Description: Nativity Church presents its second annual haunted house. $3 per person: proceeds will pay for young parishioners to attend a youth convention
Date: October 31