Restructuring the Website
We’re doing a little restructuring of the website. Hollywood Gothique has had too many categories for too long, with many articles showing up in multiple categories (which rather defeats the point of categories, which is to separate articles from each other). We’re trying to eliminate unnecessary categories and make sure that articles are divided among the remaining ones in a way that makes them easy to find.
The result is not immediately visible if you just glance at the home page, but now all of the different departments (Film, Haunted Houses, etc) are sub-categories of Features. This means that if you click on Features in the top navigation, you can see a chronological list of all articles on the website. So if you’re not sure whether a review of Delusion: A Haunted Play is slotted under Haunted Houses or Live Performance, you can scroll through Features to look for it.
In case you’re wondering, reviews of Delusion are slotted under Live Performance, in the subcategory On Stage and the sub-subcategory Stage Reviews. The way the site is now structured, you can find these reviews under Features, Live Performance, On Stage, and Stage Reviews. (Yes, we know Delusion is not performed on stage, but it was ridiculously convoluted to have a separate designation for Non-Theatrical Venues – which is one of the extraneous subcategories we recently deleted.)
Videos and Podcasts remain their own distinct categories, because it makes sense to keep other media formats separate from written articles, so you won’t necessarily find those posts if you look under Features. If you have trouble finding anything let us know. This website is always a work in progress, and we want it to be user-friendly.