How to create a sophisticated scene for Halloween
Scripps Howard News Service writer Mary Carol Garrity asked two designers from a home furnishings store to provide a sophisticated adult look for her Halloween party. Many of the decorative touches (putting glitter on plastic spiders makes them easier to see and more visually appealing) are easily achievable, so you might want to try them out yourselves.
If you’re in a hurry, the Seattle Times has some suggestions for a “Fast Bash for Halloween” – easy things you can throw together quickly, even at the last minute, for a cool Halloween party.
Top the whole thing off with a Halloween centerpiece – a home-made Pumpkin Man. The Kansas City Star tells you how.
You also may want to check out this Associated Press article, which provides simple tips on making your home “Halloween-proof” (i.e., safe for trick-or-treaters): clear walkways of debris and objects; replace loose bricks; light up the path with battery-powered jack-o-lanterns (or permanent lighting), etc.