Hollywood Gothique
The Archive

Star Wars 30th Anniversary Screening

  • Location: Samuel Goldwyn Theatre – 8949 Wilshire Blvd in Beverly Hills
  • In Person: George Lucas, Robert Blalack, Richard Chew, John Dykstra, Richard Edlund, Paul Hirsch, Don MacDougall, Ray West
  • The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences will present a 30th anniversary screening of STAR WARS on April 23 at 7:30pm.

    After the screening there will be a discussion with George Lucas, Robert Blalack, John Dykstra and others.

    This is part of the Academy’s “Great to Be Nominated” series, which includes films that were nominated for – but did not win as – Best Picture of the year. For those keeping score, STAR WARS lost out to Woody Allen’s ANNIE HALL, but it did take home honors in other categories, such as special effects.

    Since this is a 30th anniversary screening, one can hope that the original theatrical version of STAR WARS will be screened as it first appeared in theatres back in 1977 (withough the “New Hope” subtitle), but I rather doubt it. Since George Lucas started tinkering with the films for the 1997 re-release, it seems the old prints are not available for theatrical screenings.

    Tickets are $5 for the general public and $3 for Academy members or students with I.D. Sales begin on April 9, and this is guaranteed to sell-out, so don’t wait.

    Doors open at 6:30pm on the night of the event; line up early if you don’t want to be sitting in the front row.

    For more information, call 310-247-3600.