Hollywood Gothique
LA Cinema GothiqueMovie Clips & Trailers

Trailer: Dashcam

This is the latest attempt at a found-footage movie is currently playing limited engagements at Laemmle’s NoHo 7 and the Alamo Drafthouse. The trailer looks mildly interesting, but we’re not sure that using a dashcam instead of a camcorder is enough to resurrect the tired tropes of the found-footage genre. Directed by Rob Savage. Written by Gemma Hurley, Rob Savage, Jed Shepherd. Release Date: June, 3, 2022. 77 mins. Rated R.


Steve Biodrowski, Administrator

A graduate of USC film school, Steve Biodrowski has worked as a film critic, journalist, and editor at Movieline, Premiere, Le Cinephage, The Dark Side., Cinefantastique magazine, Fandom.com, and Cinescape Online. He is currently Managing Editor of Cinefantastique Online and owner-operator of Hollywood Gothique.