Hollywood Gothique
LA Cinema GothiqueMovie Clips & Trailers

Trailer: The Damned

On January 10, Vertical Entertainment releases this icy cold horror film about a small seaside village whose inhabitants fear supernatural revenge after they refuse to help some drowning sailors. The cast includes Odessa Young, Joe Cole, Siobhan Finneran, Rory McCann. Thordur Palsson directed from a screenplay he cowrote with Jamie Hannigan. 89 mins. Rated R.

Steve Biodrowski, Administrator

A graduate of USC film school, Steve Biodrowski has worked as a film critic, journalist, and editor at Movieline, Premiere, Le Cinephage, The Dark Side., Cinefantastique magazine, Fandom.com, and Cinescape Online. He is currently Managing Editor of Cinefantastique Online and owner-operator of Hollywood Gothique.