Video: Japanese Drive-Thru Haunt
Amid the (sometimes desperate) speculation about how to create a haunted house attraction that would be safe in the time Covid-19, one possibility bandied about has been drive-through haunts. There are several potential problems with this approach (what if the driver gets scared and crashes or runs over the haunters), but one Japanese company has what looks like a viable solution. It’s more of a drive-in that a drive-through, with the vehicle stationary within a small interior space, with actors jumping out of the darkness and pressing up against the windows, and apparently visitors have a choice between using their own car or one provided by the attraction (in the latter case the car is cleaned out after each use).
The results in the video look fairly impressive, though it’s not clear how long the experience lasts. Take a look and see for yourselves. It’s in Japanese, of course, but the YouTube settings provide an auto-generated English subtitle translation (the phrasing is awkward, but you’ll understand the gist).