From the Crypt: Hollywood Gothique’s first post reviewed Ju-On ten years ago
Wow. Your humble servant has just finished searching through Hollywood Gothique’s earliest archives, back before we had a real website and were using a free blog from It turns out that the very first blog post we ever wrote was a description of a screening of JU-ON: THE GRUDGE at the Nuart Theatre, with writer-director Takashi Shimizu in person to answer questions after the film.
Sadly, the article is dated July 28, 2004. Why sad? Because that means we missed our 10th anniversary celebration over a month ago! But no worries: Hollywood Gothique did not take off in earnest until October of that year, when we started covering Halloween Haunts in Los Angeles, so we will do our celebrating then.
The article on Ju-On: The Grudge has been moved to our current website, so that you can find it here. We followed up a day later with a distillation of Shimizu’s question-and-answer session.