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Halloween 2021 Video: Beware the Dark Realm

There are many Halloween home haunts in the Greater Los Angeles area, but the King of the Castle is Beware the Dark Realm. Well, more precisely, it is a castle, one apparently ensnared an an evil spell that has transformed it into a realm of damned souls who materialize every October to haunt the living. It’s a theme rich with possibilities, all of which are exploited to their fullest extent, starting with the magnificent facade that sets the scene and raises expectations among eager haunt seekers waiting on the sidewalk to pass through its gates and explore the damned hallways.

Unlike some yard haunt walk-throughs (even a few good ones), the castle exterior is not a false front behind which lie plywood pathways and chain link fence. The interior is more than good enough to meet raised expectations. It’s one of the best simulated environments, amateur or pro, available; its tightly twisting pathway simulates a series of rooms and corridors, which are nicely decorated and completely convincing when dimly etched in shadowy lighting befitting a Dark Realm. One touch that may be under-appreciated is that, despite the low-key lighting, the haunt has little if anything to hide; when you do get a clear look at a character, the costumes and makeup are pro-quality.

The malevolent souls lurking within (demons, witches, and dragons – oh my!) use the darkness like a shroud of invisibility, materializing suddenly among the stone walls and expressing amusement at your shock and dismay. This is an old-school style of haunting: a sudden appearance, accompanied by a scream or mocking laughter, with perhaps a line or two of dialogue. You don’t have to interact with these night creatures at length – not that you would want to; instead, you hurry on to the next room, where a new terror awaits.

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Though the theme remains the same from year to year, the castle mysteriously seems to evolve, its architecture and residents in a continual state of flux. After transforming into a walk-around display during the 2020 Covid crisis, Beware The Dark Realm has resumed operation as a walk-through for Halloween 2021, and the results are glorious in the depiction of a dark fantasy world of evil enchantment.

This year’s highlight is a magnificent dragon lurking at the end of a long, fog-filled corridor. Beware the Dark Realm has featured dragons in the past (of the store-bought variety), but this one exceeds them all: enshrouded in mist that leaves much to the imagination, it is monumental in size – a giant head with glowing read eyes and razor-white teeth growling and snarling like a Beast from Hell. Beware the Dark Realm does not charge for admission, but if it did the dragon would be worth the price.

Beware the Dark Realm is always worth revisiting but especially so this Halloween. It’s great to experience the walk-through again after last year’s walk-around (a good effort but obviously not as extensive as the full haunt). More important than that, this may be the final manifestation of Beware the Dark Realm’s sinister castle. Don’t miss this chance to visit before the castle disappears into the mists of time.

Beware the Dark Realm Adjacent

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There are several decorated houses up and down the street from Beware the Dark Realm, including one at the corner intersection of Sugar Pine Way and Tamarack Lane. Since parking is at a premium – this haunt is popular – you will probably pass at least a few of these yard displays while walking to and from your car.

More adventurous haunt-seekers can extend their search beyond the neighborhood, seeking out other yard haunts in Santa Clarita and Valencia, including Coffinwood Cemetery and Sombras Cemetery. There should be a complete itinerary at the So Cal Haunts list, but the website seems to be malfunctioning as of this writing; meanwhile, you can check out our 2020 Halloween Yard Haunt Odyssey to that region.

Beware the Dark Realm 2021 Rating

Bottom Line

Rating yard haunts is tricky business: Is it really fair to critically examine – and possibly find fault with – a labor of love, presented for free? It’s an interesting question, but it does not apply here, since there is no fault to find. Well…there is one plastic mannequin that is maybe a little too well lit for its own good, so we’ll take a point off for that. Otherwise, Beware the Dark Realm is magnificent medieval horror worth revisiting year after year.

Beware the Dark Realm manifests again on October 29 & 30, 7-10pm. The address is 28621 Sugar Pine Way in Santa Clarita. General admission is free, but front-of-the line tickets are available for a $10 donation, benefiting Family Promise of SCV, a non-profit assisting families in need or suffering homelessness. Get more information about Beware the Dark Realm at bewarethedarkrealm.com.


Steve Biodrowski, Administrator

A graduate of USC film school, Steve Biodrowski has worked as a film critic, journalist, and editor at Movieline, Premiere, Le Cinephage, The Dark Side., Cinefantastique magazine, Fandom.com, and Cinescape Online. He is currently Managing Editor of Cinefantastique Online and owner-operator of Hollywood Gothique.