Hollywood Gothique

Hollywood Halloween Street Fair

Graumans Chinese Theatre Hollywood

2023 Status: Since pandemic-related public health concerns have waned, we expect crowds of costumed revelers to converge on Hollywood Boulevard this October 31.

Hollywood Halloween Street Fair Info

Location: Hollywood Boulevard Hollywood, CA 90068

Date & Time: October 31 from dusk to 10pm

Price: Free

Looking for a way to spend Halloween in Los Angeles that won’t set your wallet back? This unofficial Halloween street event is a milder, more kid-friendly, and somewhat smaller version of the famous West Hollywood Street carnival, with lots of people in costume just showing up for the fun of it and some local businesses getting in the spirit by offering tricks and treats. Even if you do not want to dress you, you will enjoy the sights on display, and this is a good opportunity to visit the museums and other attractions in the area.

Since 2006, the Hollywood Street Fair has lost some of its “legitimacy” (if an event that is not officially sanctioned can ever be said to have legitimacy). First, the city requested that revelers no longer bring silly string, presumably because it created a mess that was difficult to clean. Then the police announced they would no longer close off the streets to automobile traffic, effectively ending the long tradition of a costumed parade. Now, if you try to walk down the middle of the street in your costume, you may be arrested like any other jay-walker.

Hollywood Boulevard Halloween Photo Gallery

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Photographs copyright 2015 by Yuki Tanaka.