House of Restless Spirits
1008 Euclid Street Santa Monica, CA
House of Restless Spirits – which for many years offered some of the most amazing and imaginative effects ever seen at a Halloween haunt in Los Angeles – has been on indefinite hiatus since 2014 due to concerns about neighbors. At this point, we assume the hiatus is permanent.
The House of Restless Spirits – a Halloween Home Haunt operated by Eric Maurin, a professional magician, and Rick Ouwerkerk, an aerospace engineer – was good enough to earn high praise from the folks who used to run Hallowed Haunting Grounds.
An amazing tour around an old house not too far from the Pacific Ocean, the attraction featured a series of incredible ghostly manifestations tingle your senses, some in the yard and some in the windows. The effects were  subtle but spooky, emphasizing imagination and atmosphere instead of shock. This was definitely a haunt that demanded a careful gaze and patient appreciation, so that the phantoms might appear at their leisure.
House of Restless Spirits Articles
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House of Restless Spirits Photo Gallery
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