Turbidite Manor Haunted House
This genuinely spooky simulation of a haunted house, presented as a self-guided tour that gets out of hand when ghosts break loose from the containment grid, offered truly unnerving effects. After appearing as part of Spooky in 2006, the attraction moved to Haunted Nashville in Tennessee, which has since closed.
For a few years, this self-contained stand-alone haunted house was one of the best Halloween attractions in Los Angeles. A sort of a professional spin-off of the Hallowed Haunting Grounds (a celebrated Studio City yard haunt that closed its doors in 2005), Turbidite Manor inherited many old props from that yard haunt. (Turbidte Manor’s proprietor, Nathan Hamilton, is listed as a “junior member” of the Haunting Grounds staff.)
In 2005 and 2006 , Turbidte Manor was one of three Halloween attractions that formed Spooky House, the long-running professional haunt, when it was situated in an old, abandoned movie theatre on Parthenia Street in Northridge. Since then, Nathan Hamilton has moved out of the Los Angeles area, taking his Halloween haunt with him. Turbidite Manor was not in operation for Halloween 2007 or 2008, but Hamilton expects to revive it, perhaps for 2009.
Turbidite Manor wasa sort of electronically-guided museum tour of a haunted mansion, which evokes a spooky atmosphere and supernatural dread, eschewing (for the most part) the jump-out-and-grab-you scares of other Halloween events in Los Angeles. Turbidite truly is a “haunted house,” in the best sense of the phrase: it conveys a creepy sense of unseen things lurking in the shadows, and it’s one of the few such attractions that is as effective (almost more so) during the children’s “safe” matinee performances, when no actors in makeup are lurking within the corridors to screech “Boo!” Something about its ethereal atmosphere works even better when the crowds are smaller and quieter, when you can hear every whisper in the dark, every creaking of every floorboard.
Turbidite Manor Articles
Learn more in the Turbidite Manor Archive:

Alas, No More: A Lament for Los Angeles Halloween Haunts Gone to the Grave

Halloween Haunts in Los Angeles – The best of 2006

Video: Last chance to see Turbidite Manor at Spooky House

Best Halloween Haunts in Los Angeles – 2005