House at Haunted Hill – heldover
In a previous post, I mentioned that one of the haunts I was trying to get to this year was the House at Haunted Hill. This is its seventh year, but somehow I had managed to miss it – a fault I’m happy to have rectified in 2006, because it really is a wonderful yard haunt, filled with spooky effects, ghoulish lighting, and ghostly entities.
Now, here’s the good news: it’s being held over for one more night, so you still have a chance to see it on November 1. Apparently, there was a breakdown yesterday evening, so the homeowners feel they owe their audience one more performance – an opportunity you should not fail to take advantage of. After all, how often do you get a chance to extend that Halloween season by an extra day?
If you haven’t seen been to House at Haunted Hill – and especially if your soul is yearning for the lost eternity of the dearly departed Hallowed Haunting Grounds – this yard haunt is for you. Enjoy..