Marriage Story’s Deadly Dull Halloween
This is why you should read Hollywood Gothique before trick-or-treating.
We lost all sympathy for Charlie (Adam Driver) when he took his son out for a ridiculously lame night of trick-or-treating in in Marriage Story. First, young Henry (Azhy Robertson) is such a dead ringer for Danny Torrance in The Shining (and Doctor Sleep, for that matter), that his costume obviously should have included a Big Wheel tricycle.
Second, for some reason Charlie is unable to find any good activities on Halloween night just because the hour is a little bit late, Henry having spent the earlier part of the evening with Charlie’s soon-to-be-ex wife. The father and son wander around Sunset Boulevard in West Hollywood, where houses on residential cross streets have closed up for the night and, mysteriously, there is no sign of drunken revelers pouring in and out of local nightclubs
Seriously, Charlie – what kind of dead-beat dad are you? All you had to do was scroll through Hollywood Gothique, where you would have found a witch’s cauldron full of Halloween fun that would have had Henry singing your praise all the way until next October!
Too bad. Up till then, Charlie had seemed kind of cool. A theatre director, he had his wardrobe person create a customized Frankenstein costume for Henry, and he had the good taste to dress as yet another classic movie monster, The Invisible Man. But you blew it, man. Before you take Henry out next year, we’ll send you a link.