M.I.A. at Winchester Mystery House
The last time the Winchester Mystery House put on a full-blown Halloween haunt was in 2012, and for a while it looked as if there never would be another – one of the people involved told me a couple of years ago that management had decided haunts were not really viable, because of the historical nature of the location, so instead they were doing simpler candlelight/flashlight tours during October. Well, all that changed for Halloween 2019, with Winchester Mystery House presenting a completely new attraction, titled Unhinged.
Described as an “immersive horror experience,” Unhinged asks visitors to take part in a paranormal thriller within the corridors of the Winchester mansion. The experience includes “malicious spirits” and dark mysteries, some set in rooms previously inaccessible to the public.
Located in San Jose, the Winchester Mystery House, is more than a bit out of our usual jurisdiction. Nevertheless, their 2012 Halloween presentation was very impressive, so Hollywood Gothique headed straight to the venerable location and took the tour, despite the crazy old coot outside warning us that we would never be seen again because the house eats souls.
Unfortunately, I didn’t make it out.
Fortunately, I managed to post my review from the other side….