New Halloween Listing: Motel 6 Feet Under
Just updated our list of Halloween Haunts in Los Angeles, Orange County, Ventura, and Riverside with an attraction previously unknown to us: Motel 6 Feet Under. Located within the Anaheim Business Expo Center at 1960 South Anaheim Way in Anaheim, this haunt appears to be a non-profit, community effort  intended to “provide job training in the field of construction and theatrical arts for under-served adults,” including “court ordered volunteers” and “adults with criminal records.”
Never having visited, we can only rely on the haunt’s own self-description (“Anaheim’s sunken treasure…Located across the freeway from Disneyland at the Anaheim Business Expo Center. It’s the final staycation!”) Â and some intriguing photographs, shown below.
Motel 6 Feet Under will run from October 1 through November 1 this Halloween. Tickets go on sale August 25. Prices and hours of operation to be announced.