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Review: Edgar Allan Poe Speakeasy II (L.A.)

Cocktails and Edgar Allan Poe together in a speakeasy experience?  How can we say no? According to their website, the Edgar Allan Poe speakeasy promises a “chilling cocktail experience dedicated to the stories of Edgar Allan Poe. The event takes place inside a dark speakeasy. Four of his most famous stories will be retold and reimagined by our Poe historians. Our macabre lead mixologist will transform each of those stories into a 4-part cocktail experience.”  Photos and media from their site and social media looked promising, and we were excited to experience this limited time engagement.

Edgar Allan Poe Speakeasy II: Experience

Just to be clear, there is an Edgar Allan Poe Speakeasy touring other parts of the country; we attended the Edgar Allan Poe Speakeasy Part II in Los Angeles, which took place inside The Hudson Theatre. Guests entered through the coffee shop that is part of the theater and then waited for their timed-entry window.  The lack of signage and attendees had us roaming around until a cast member instructed where to go.

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We proceeded into the theater after being told to take a seat anywhere we liked. Glowing candles, a photo of Poe himself, and some furniture from the 19th century enhanced the floor level stage of this intimate theater with black and brick walls. After the door attendant, doubling as the host, introduced the show, we received the first of our 4 cocktails. Then one of the servers got into character to reenact short story #1. Each of the 4 cocktails are inspired by a relative short story. Therefore, you enjoy the cocktail while enjoying the short story. Served in order, the drinks were: Swing Of Fate, Montresor’s Revenge, Lover’s Lament and Roderick’s Ruin (the latter inspired from Poe’s acclaimed “The Fall of the House of Usher”).

Edgar Allan Poe Speakeasy II: Conclusion

Fully expecting a speakeasy experience, we thought we were going to sample different cocktails at different themed stations while the bartender or somebody told a story.  After the first cocktail, we realized we were going to be stuck in our seats for the duration instead of roaming around like an actual bar/lounge. We did not mind sitting down and having drinks brought to us while we got to enjoy. However, if you were expecting to walk around listening to short stories a fully immersive speakeasy lounge experience with elaborate decor, then you would be disappointed. Fortunately, we did end up enjoying what turned out to be a series of sketches, each performed by a single actor. Plus, we got to enjoy unique cocktails unavailable elsewhere, while we listened to these reenactments of famous Poe stories.  This was a “Cock-Tale Experience.”

Edgar Allan Poe Speakeasy II

Rating Scale

0 – Awful
1 – Poor
2 – Mediocre
3 – Good
4 – Great
5 – Excellent

We would consider this an Experience rather than a Speakeasy.  The format runs more like a dinner theater experience than a layman’s definition of “speakeasy” where you are in a lounge setting.  It’s virtually dinner theater but without the dinner, instead it’s cocktails: Cocktail Theatre.

The Edgar Allan Poe Speakeasy runs until mid November in various cities.  You can get more information at https://www.edgarallanpoebar.com/.  However, we have not seen a website for the “Part II” experience that we attended.  A quick Google search will bring up dates for that via Fever.com.

Edgar Allan Poe Speakeasy II: Experience


Media Correspondent, Videographer, Photographer @Hollywood Gothique, Halloween Fanatic.