Hollywood Gothique
Funhouses, Mazes & WalkthroughsLA Attractions Gothique

Seaside Haunt sinking?

It is never wise to divine too much from isolated reports, but I did want to mention that one or two people have contacted me to say they were disappointed with this year’s version of Seaside Haunt. We have not attended this year, so we cannot confirm; all we know is that the haunt is under new management.

We suspect this may be a case of opening night jitters – a not uncommon phenomenon in a business that operates on a seasonal business. A couple of haunts this year have begged off having us attend during their first weekend, and in fact we have been invited to visit Seaside next weekend when, presumably, the cast and crew will have developed their sea legs, all the barnacles will be properly assembled.

We’ll let you know what we think, but right now our first priority is a return to Old Town Haunt in Pasadena and our first visit to Fearplex in Pomona. This will be a busy weekend!