Spooky House Forever, Long Live the Haunted Queen Mary
John Casella, who helped design and build Spooky House, writes in to clarify the details about what is happening with that haunt and the other Halloween properties once owned by the late Bob Koritzke. Basically, it sounds as if elements of those attractions will be incorporated into this year’s Haunted Queen Mary:
Due to the unexpected death of the owner Bob Koritzke this summer, Spooky House, and Seaside Haunt [pictured at top], Fearplex, and Skull Kingdom will no longer be in operation as they once were. The assets/props of these haunts were sold off to the current owners of the Queen Mary shipwreck haunt.
You may have noticed that the Seaside Haunt website has now been redirected to Shipwreck. In anticipation of the Spooky House website (also now owned and controlled by Shipwreck as far as I know) being redirected, lapsing, or being taken down, I have put up a new site www.spookyhouseforever.com  which puts up a simple page of explanation as to where spooky house has gone… [H]opefully thru the myspace page and what I am planning on adding to the Spooky House Forever website in the future, we’ll have a very nice memorial site to our “alma mater” haunt.
The former crew and cast of Spooky House are currently re-grouping and relaxing this year. We’re planning on going on an impromptu haunt tour this year to see what we’ve been missing all these years, and some of us will most likely be decorating our yards 🙂
With Halloween flowing strong in our blood tho, I doubt that we’ll be stagnant for long and something new will rise from the grave in the next year or two.
This article has been edited for clarity.