Hollywood Gothique
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Photos: Spooky Swap Meet 2022

Brought to you by the producers of Cemetery Lane, Spooky Swap Meet returned for its second year at the Heritage Square Museum, giving Halloween fiends their “Halfway-To-Halloween” fix on the weekend of April 30-May 1. Held during daytime hours, Spooky Swap Meet offered a distinct experience,  providing an opportunity for Halloween fans to shop for specific gifts and goodies not available to the average consumer outside of these events. 

As a bonus, attendees were able to get a preview of notable haunt attractions that will be happening in the fall: The L.A. Haunted Hayride, Fear Farm, and a new pro haunt formed by a trio of local veteran home haunters known as Bones’ Gulch. Attendees were also able to interact with characters of the L.A Haunted Hayride roaming outside the houses.

What was notable this year was the number of spooky characters and scare actors and the continuous improv that took place. From the Headless Horseman to the assortment of monsters to the Sleepy Hollow characters in front of the house of Van Tassel, you could enjoy this scare zone-like atmosphere but without the scares. Especially with delicious treats and beverages for sale from Olde Tyme Ice Cream and Rad Coffee, we were able to hang in the shade to enjoy watching the Ghostbusters cosplay group hunt down all of the monsters and ghouls!

Spooky Swap Meet is created by Claire Dunlap (CoFounder/producer of Midsummer Scream, Producer of Cemetery Lane) and Sarah Cooke (@the_pumpkin_queen, creator of GOREnaments) with Associate Producers David Markland, (Executive Director of Midsummer Scream) and Jon Cooke (Creative Director/Owner of Plague Productions).

For more info on future swap meets, visit: www.spookyswapmeet.com



Media Correspondent, Videographer, Photographer @Hollywood Gothique, Halloween Fanatic.