Hollywood Gothique

Silent Movie Theatre

LA Cinema Gothique

The 2nd Los Angeles Animation Festival International

Location: The Silent Movie Theatre, 611 North Fairfax Avenue, Los Angeles, CA
Dates: December 3 through 7
Description: The Cinefamily is proud to present The 2nd Los Angeles Animation Festival International. This year’s events include the U.S. premiere of the new Jan Å vankmajer feature, Pixar’s Teddy Newton discussing his acclaimed hand drawn/3D/CG short Day & Night, plus guest of honor Will Vinton presenting his short films, specials, commercials and a 25th anniversary screening of his 1985 Claymation feature The Adventures of Mark Twain.

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LA Cinema Gothique

Halloween horror at Silent Movie Theatre

The Cinefamily is in the middle of an intense month of horror movie programming at the Silent Movie Theatre in the Fairfax district of Los Angeles, offering an eclectic mix of classic and cult films so wide that it is sure to include something to please everybody, from Hammer horror to Asian exploitation to slasher movies. Titles include the silent masterpiece HAXAN (Witchcraft), APRIL FOOL’S DAY, MY BLOODY VALENTINE (the uncut original), DON’T OPEN TILL CHRISTMAS, HORROR OF DRACULA, REVENGE OF FRANKENSTEIN, HAUNTED COP SHOP, CHOPPING MALL, NIGHT OF THE DEMONS, several movies from Brazilian cult auteur Coffin Joe, plus a documentary on television horror-movie hosts.

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