Trailer: Abandoned
Check out the trailer for Abandoned, a haunted house film that (per the official description) “follows the sharply intense lives of Sara (Emma Roberts), her husband Alex (John Gallagher Jr.), and their infant son as they move into a remote farmhouse, which harbors a dark, tragic history. As their home’s past is revealed, the mother’s fragility escalates to a state of psychosis that jeopardizes her own safety and that of her newborn son.”
Spencer Squire directed from a script by Erik Patterson and Jessica Scott. The cast includes Roberts, Michael Shannon, John Gallagher Jr. The PG-13 film runs one hour and forty-two minutes. Vertical Entertainment releases Abandoned for a one-week run on June 17, including two engagements in the Southland at the Cinemark 22 and IMAX in Lancaster and the Century Stadium 25 and XD in Orange. Home video release will follow a weak later.