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Vampirates rise from their watery grave!

Vampirates is returning to Pirates Dinner Adventure. The Halloween-themed tale of blood-suckers on the high seas will run on select nights from September 27 through October 31, interspersed with performances of the year-round show.

Vampirates had been an annual event until 2020. Pirates Dinner Adventure made some efforts toward meeting safety requirements to stage the show during the pandemic lockdown, but in the end Vampirates had to be cancelled, and it was not resurrected for Halloween 2021. So it is great news to have it back in action this year.

Pirates Dinner Adventure is located at 7600 Beach Boulevard in Buena Park. For more information visit: piratesdinneradventureca.com.

Check out our review of Vampirates…

Vampirates 2018 Review

Steve Biodrowski, Administrator

A graduate of USC film school, Steve Biodrowski has worked as a film critic, journalist, and editor at Movieline, Premiere, Le Cinephage, The Dark Side., Cinefantastique magazine, Fandom.com, and Cinescape Online. He is currently Managing Editor of Cinefantastique Online and owner-operator of Hollywood Gothique.